Commercial renovation Delson
Do you have a growing business in Delson, are you trying to improve your spaces or are you planning to redesign your store to make better use of your work environment?
Commercial renovation can range from minor interior redesign to major changes, both outside and inside the structure. Even a small commercial building renovation can be a major undertaking and it is important to have an idea of the scope of the process before embarking on a renovation project.
Return on investment of commercial renovation in Delson
Commercial renovation and remodeling projects have many benefits for businesses. Instead of spending a lot of money to create something from scratch, you can focus on improving your space and tailoring it specifically to the needs of your business. There are several advantages to this option:
- Saves time
- Saves money
- Satisfy better needs
- Attract more customers
- Improve the brand image
Updating your space can also have a positive impact on your employees and their productivity. It will give the impression that business is booming and that you are ready to invest in your human capital in Delson.
The return on investment of a commercial renovation project varies according to the type of work done. Some projects have a higher return on investment than others.
Types of commercial renovation projects in Delson
The type of commercial renovation you will undertake will depend on the type of building you own, as well as your commercial remodeling goals.
Installation of energy-efficient appliances
Energy-efficient appliances help homeowners save money while preserving the environment. Energy efficiency improvements vary depending on the type of structure being renovated. Geothermal heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems and double-glazed, low-emissivity windows are all modern features that help homeowners save money on utilities.
Renovating the food court
De nombreux restaurants doivent être rénovés au fil des décennies. Sans une rénovation régulière, les espaces de restauration peuvent commencer à paraître désuets et les appareils de cuisine peuvent tomber en panne plus souvent que nécessaire.
Roof repair or restoration
Standard commercial roofs can last between 20 and 50 years, depending on the type of roof and other factors. Commercial roofs must be inspected regularly and maintenance must be properly performed. When wear and tear on the roof becomes significant, it may be necessary to redo the roof.
Renovation of the company kitchen
Office kitchens can become difficult to clean and maintain. Renovation can make kitchens more functional and attractive by upgrading cabinets, equipment and other items. It is also a great opportunity for business owners to save money on utilities by installing ENERGY STAR qualified appliances.
Upgrades according to the criteria of la Régie du Bâtiment du Québec (RBQ)
Under the Building Act, la Régie du Bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) requires companies to provide accommodations for people with disabilities. This may involve installing a ramp, widening doors, changing cabins, etc.
Office Layout
Decades ago, standard offices consisted of a series of cubicles and individual desks. Today, open office spaces are more common. In these spaces, staff and managers work side by side.
Office toilets
Office washrooms have changed a lot over the last few decades. With the popularization of low-flow and contactless devices, many companies are doing what they can to modernize their washrooms. Installing these new devices saves water and prevents the spread of germs.
A quick reminder
Timing is critical when it comes to your office design project in Delson, both in terms of timing and when the project should take place. A business transformation or renovation project can affect a company's productivity.
Always keep in mind that delays and unforeseen changes could occur. Keep in mind that quality work takes time and that it is better to get it done right than to be in a hurry and not get it done the way you want it.
Contact us for more information!
To learn more about carrying out a commercial renovation project in Delson, contact us today.