Spacia  >  Office management

Office management

Using architectural services is inevitable when designing the envelope and structure of a building. The location
of the building, the various accesses, the energy performance requirements and the application of regulations are studied in order to
ensure compliance.

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Free Estimate

Our commercial and residential construction services


Preparatory studies

First, we get to know you. This first step allows us to fully understand your needs, your objectives and your expectations. Preparatory studies consist in analyzing your current situation and making recommendations for the realization of your project.

  • Exploratory meeting with the client to define the needs, determine the objectives and establish the budget, the feasibility and the schedule of the project;
  • Survey of space, complete inventory of existing equipment and furniture kept;
  • Analysis of the organizational structure according to the determined objectives;
  • Analysis of the space and validation of the feasibility according to the functional and technical program developed;
  • Definition of marketing issues based on brand image and technologies.


Conceptual development

Designing your interior design project is one of the most important phases. It will guide both the physical needs and the aesthetic arrangements of the space to be created. With a well-established concept, the success of your project is guaranteed.

  • Conceptual research regarding the treatment of space, the orientation of material choices and finishes including coloring, lighting, furniture and accessories;
  • Definition of budgetary objectives and breakdown of the cost of the project at the design stage;
  • Planning and programming of interior spaces using the repository;
  • Creation of custom furniture;
  • Display and signaling concepts;
  • Research and advice for siding, if applicable;
  • Creation of 3D sketches and presentation models.


Preliminary plans

Once the concept has been established and the expectations are well defined, we carry out the preliminary plans to concretely represent all the elements analyzed previously. It is at this stage that the different interior design possibilities take shape.

  • Preliminary interior layout plan;
  • Preparation of plans, elevations and typical details necessary for a good understanding of the project;
  • Drafting of the summary estimate;
  • Estimate construction costs and value analysis.
plan et devis


Plans and technical specifications

That's it! This last step gathers all the information previously determined for the realization of your project. The plans and technical specifications are the final plans which will explicitly direct the construction work.

  • Final development plan;
  • Demolition plan and specifications;
  • Construction plan and specifications;
  • Technical elevations;
  • Cabinetmaking plans;
  • Plan and specifications of materials and finishes;
  • Door, woodwork and hardware slip;
  • Plan of the reflected ceiling (selection and positioning of lighting fixtures);
  • Plan for electrical, telephone and IT needs;
  • Plumbing plan (selection and positioning of sanitary fixtures);
  • Coordination with engineers for mechanical, electrical, structural and fire protection works.


Working with Spacia brings you several benefits. By doing business with us for your construction project, you will also benefit from these services

Modélisation 3D

SPACIA donne vie à vos plans.
Cet outil vous permet de visualiser votre espace commercial ou résidentiel de manière concrète et réaliste avant de démarrer votre projet de construction ou de rénovation. Une image vaut mille mots! Cette vieille citation de Confucius prend tout son sens dans cette démonstration imagée de votre projet reflétant de très près la réalité.

Cloisons de verre
et mobilier
Optimisation des
Devis mécanique
Image de marque
Test ttile
Test ttile
Test ttile
Test ttile