Spacia  >  Multiplex construction projects: where to start ?

Multiplex construction projects: where to start ?

The aging population and the buildings that make up urban areas are, among other things, factors that have led to the rise of multi-residential construction (also called multiplexconstruction) in recent years. 

A multi-unit building is any residential construction that has more than one rental unit. Investing in a multi-unit building is a great way to build an asset while earning passive income!

Thinking of starting a multi-unit building project? Talk to us about your multi-family plan!


Choosing the type of multiplex building

What type of homes are you planning to build? Plex, multiplex… Several building options are available to you when developing your multi-dwelling construction project, at different prices and with varying profitability! 

There are specific rules for each multi-unit plan

First of all, it is important to know that the processes and rules surrounding a multi-unit project of five apartments or more are different from those surrounding a project of four units or less. You will have to adjust your plans according to the type of residential construction project you are looking for.

Then, depending on the amount of land available to you and your objectives, you can choose from the following types of multi-unit buildings:

  1. Duplex: Building with 2 units;
  2. Triplex: Building with 3 units;
  3. Multiplex: Building with more than 3 units;

For more information on what you need to know before buying a multi-unit building:


Advantages of multiplex construction

Taking advantage of reduced construction costs

In housing construction, it is possible to minimize the exterior surface area required by stacking and juxtaposing housing spaces. You make only one foundation, on one lot with only one construction estimate… Thus, savings can be made on the construction cost at different levels such as:

  • The price of building materials;
  • The exterior cladding of the multi-unit building;
  • The energy costs of construction and better energy efficiency;

It is possible to significantly reduce the construction costs of your building projects through the construction of stacked housing.

Optimization of land use 

A multi-dwelling new construction also gathers several individual residences on a single lot. This allows multiple residents to occupy the same area, which offers several advantages during construction. In addition to saving building materials, this construction solution creates more value over the years.

With the appreciation of land values, this type of housing construction certainly offers an advantage in optimizing the cost of housing! By building more housing units on a smaller surface, we can increase the value of our investments.


Multiplex construction for investment or property management companies

As an investor or investment company, we understand that you may be tempted to set up your own multi-family construction project and take advantage of rental units. Trust in real specialists who can take care of your project from planning to execution, down to the smallest detail, for fast and quality construction projects!

Housing construction that respects your budget and your deadlines 

SPACIA assures you the best use of the money invested. We have been working with solid and reliable partners for many years for apartment buildings! Thus, the choices we make with your collaboration will guarantee a higher quality, more durability and a better profitability of your real estate investments.


Multi-dwelling construction for individuals who wish to occupy a dwelling

Getting into real estate is usually a wise personal investment. Why not turn your living space into a means of generating income and reducing your housing costs? Building a multi-unit building to live in is an exciting residential project that can pay off big! 

Why a multi-unit building instead of a single family home?

While living in a single-family home has its advantages, the multi-dwelling model is also worth considering. By living in an apartment building, the owner can spread the cost of the mortgage by having more flexibility with the income from the rental units. Residential construction is an excellent investment, especially in recent years.

Since the pandemic, more and more people are looking for multi-generational housing plans or even new buildings to live with their loved ones! Living this way offers many advantages, such as strengthening family ties, the possibility of helping a loved one in need, savings, sharing of tasks… It can also counteract isolation, a much sought-after aspect in times of pandemic. The multigenerational house offers a solution to many issues!

We can build the multi-dwelling building of your dreams, with all the features you are looking for. Our team works with great professionalism and a constant concern to build sustainable and practical buildings that allow you to quickly get a return on your investment.

 Housing crisis

A housing crisis is currently weighing on not only the major urban centers of Montreal and Quebec City, but also on several cities located in the regions. According to the latest report from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), the vacancy rate is even less than 1% in some areas.

In fact, there is a serious housing shortage across the country. According to the Association des professionnels de la construction et de l’habitation du Québec (APCHQ), there is currently a shortage of nearly 100,000 housing units in Quebec to meet the population’s demand. This is in fact the main cause of the real estate difficulties of the last few years. Added to this is a labour shortage in just about every field, a pandemic that is dragging on, tense supply chains, more expensive materials and the highest inflation in 30 years. As a result, there is a growing need for new construction, and multi-unit buildings seem to be the best option to meet that demand.

Multi-unit construction offers a solution to the housing shortage

“The more we build, the better it will be for the market,” says Guillaume Houle, public affairs manager and spokesperson for the Association de la construction du Québec (ACQ). We will reduce the cost of housing, because, the more we build, the more the prices will go down.”


Choose SPACIA’s turnkey service for your multiplex

There are several advantages to turnkey construction with a reliable construction contractor: respect for the budget and deadlines, better management of the construction site and cost reduction thanks to the ideas and solutions proposed during the development of the plans. We can build according to your plans and on your land. In addition, we always work with the best subcontractors to ensure impeccable work.

Whatever type of multi-unit building you are planning to build, we can take charge of your project, from its conception to its completion. Doing business with SPACIA means adding more value to your real estate projects compared to their construction cost! 

Do you have a multi-unit construction project in mind? Get a free estimate:


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